"I sit down to a blank page and see my oldest friend. Some days I write something decent. Some days I suck. Whatever. It’s not like I won’t be back tomorrow."
~ Sera Gamble

Monday, 16 May 2011

Drabble Day "Abandon"

I haven't attempted the Aheila's Drabble Day Challenge for a while, this week's challenge is "Abandon" - and it inspired me to write this. I hope you like it!

"As I inch forward on my belly, on the gravel-strewn ground of this godforsaken land, I close my eyes and let my mind wander to what I’d be doing back home at this time on a Saturday night. Dreaming of that mouthwatering smell of freshly fried chips, heavy with fat, curling tenderly over beautiful haddock, steam gently rising from them, as I happily hand over a crisp five pound note, eagerly anticipating the salty taste awaiting me.

The sudden metallic click beneath me brings me sharply back to the present. Eyes snapping open, inky blackness surrounding me and the gritty sand between my teeth, I glance down. A landmine freshly triggered beneath me. So far from home, I feel abandoned and lost."


  1. That is SO cruel!
    I still happy you're back, though.

  2. Hey Sketching Girl!

    I really liked this drabble of yours. It was so descriptive, and you made me hungry :X I should be eating breakfast soon and now I crave fries!


  3. LOL, I was a bit mean! Thanks Aheila! :)

    Hi Lec! And thank you! Oops, sorry for making you crave fries for your breakfast! lol! :)

  4. I really liked it, too! The ending took me by surprise.

  5. Yeah I guess I was feeling a little melancholy with the ending - sorry! Glad you liked it though!


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